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What makes us different?

Our activity is similar to the medical act.

First of all we consult the team and their members in order to establish a diagnostic following which to be able to intervene with solutions. The diagnosis we are offering has several depth levels, depending on the accuracy, the quantity and the quality of the desired results.

It is impossible for us to make a correct diagnosis without building with your employees, fist, a relation based on trust because we touch neuralgic points and we receive access to sensitive information. This is exactly why we ensure full confidentiality to those involved. By establishing these trust relations already, diagnosis turn from a process with invasive potential, into a pleasant initiative for the ones involved.

The success of a diagnosis does not reside in the results brought by each tool used, but in the relevance of those results for the customer and his employees, in the sense of precisely identifying the needs and challenges in the organization.

Therefor, tools like the sociogram, the employees satisfaction, stress level or well-being level surveys ensure the delivery of precise quantitative results.
Further, having individual interviews, focus groups, management talk and buy-in meetings complete the quantitative tools by increasing the qualitative level of the interrogated information.

The diagnosis is identifying the aspects and dimensions that need improvement.

Further, we focus on these and we intervene, applying specific and customized solutions, therefor a set of activities structured through which we approach different aspects of the organization. The program developed for the implementation of solutions concerns a multidirectional approach, coming out of the usual patterns of training offers and vocational training activities.

The proposed solutions aim to generate the change of people’s behaviors, procedures or organizational culture and they use the active learning methodology. In addition, they are based on the principle of non-formal education and of blended learning.

Before participating in a course facilitated by a trainer, the participants can become familiar with certain concepts by participating in virtual or microlearning training programs.

The main objective of the classroom experience is based on practical applications, so that the participants understand deeply the topics and be able to study in their own pace. The learning process does not need to be interrupted after the training. This is why we recommend the extension of the experience beyond the classroom (offline or virtual) through a dedicated platform. (

The learning solutions we deliver are:

  • Classic Training (face to face)
  • Online Training (in a virtual classroom)
  • Team Building
  • Virtual Team Building
  • Classic Coaching (face to face)
  • Online Coaching
  • Customized eLearning
  • Microlearning

Our interventions are successful as long as they generate change in people’s behaviour, procedure or organizational culture and ensure the sustainability of these changes.
The specific tools for the measurement of the impact and of the changes generated are: the technical competence assessment questionnaire and the behavioral change assessment questionnaire.

In order to ensure sustainability and follow-up we use:

Online microlearning platform

that offers access to the training delivered content, wrapping it up under the shape of learning pills, easy to assimilate and at hand anytime, on any device.

Standardization of competences through procedures

which involves the incorporation of new competences acquired by the employees in their day-to-day work, through the creation of quality standards and procedures in this regard.

Individual or team coaching

through which we manage in an efficient and human way to remove the resistance to change and the fear of failure of the employees after an intervention..

The Champions Program

which means the creation of a sustainability plan for the implementation of which the “champion” employees will be responsible, meaning the ones that proved involvement, pro-activity and that had maximum results following the evaluations.